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United Supermarkets Lubbock Marathon
Come together for Lubbock's premier (and most memorable) community athletic event. Pick your speed: marathon, half marathon, 10k, 5k, and kids' fun run! Experience our new, improved course!

2 Laps

1 Lap

6.2 milesRace Location
Lubbock, TXStart Location
Buddy and Maria Elena Holly Plaza (1824 Crickets Ave Lubbock, TX 79401)Date
October 26, 2025Entry Fee
$30Start Time
8:00 A.MMarathon
If you're ready for the ultimate challenge, start training for the Full Marathon today. The 26.2 miles of the Lubbock Marathon will test your strength, endurance, and resolve. The Full Marathon will consist of 2 loops around the course shown.
26.2 miles (2 Laps)Race Location
Lubbock, TXStart Location
Buddy and Maria Elena Holly Plaza (1824 Crickets Ave Lubbock, TX 79401)Date
October 26, 2025Entry Fee
Individual - $65Start Time
8:00 A.MHalf Marathon
This 13.1-mile course is the perfect opportunity to take your commitment to the next level. And you'll experience many of the same exciting features as the Full Marathon.
13.1 miles (1 Lap)Race Location
Lubbock, TXStart Location
Buddy and Maria Elena Holly Plaza (1824 Crickets Ave Lubbock, TX 79401)Date
October 26, 2025Entry Fee
$45Start Time
8:00 A.M5K Run
Imagine the sense of victory and community you'll feel after completing this 5k! Don't let anything stand in your way! This is your opportunity to set a goal and accomplish it.
3.1 MilesRace Location
Lubbock, TXStart Location
Buddy and Maria Elena Holly Plaza (1824 Crickets Ave Lubbock, TX 79401)Date
October 26, 2025Entry Fee
$20Start Time
8:10 A.MKids' Fun Run
The 1-mile Kids' Fun Run is a safe, positive event for runners under 8. Overcoming obstacles and setting goals will help them throughout their lives.
1 mileRace Location
Lubbock, TXStart Location
Buddy and Maria Elena Holly Plaza (1824 Crickets Ave Lubbock, TX 79401)Date
October 26, 2025Entry Fee
$10Start Time
9:00 A.M
2024 Race Day Athlete Guide
Dates to Know
We will update packet pickup dates soon!
United Supermarkets
6313 4th St
Lubbock, TX
Race Day: Sunday, October 26, 2025

See Previous Race Results

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